Safety in Mining with DSI: Marlin Mine
Marlin Mine is located approx. 300km north-west of Guatemala City in the western highlands of Guatemala. It is the country’s first big mining project in two decades. The operator, Montana Exploradora de Guatemala, S.A., is a 100% subsidiary of the Canadian mining company Goldcorp.
Since December 2005, gold and silver ore has been mined both in open pit and underground mining and processed directly on site at the Marlin Mine. In 2009, the mine produced a total of 274,900 ounces of gold and 4,156,500 ounces of silver.
The use of a large number of cable bolts was necessary to ensure future mine development and expansion. Experienced DSI employees trained the mine’s crews both during locally held seminars and in application training directly on site.
Through comprehensive on-site training, DSI was able to competently convey the critical factors for the successful performance of cable bolts to the workers and the operator of Marlin Mine.
Thanks to DSI’s high quality products, Marlin Mine is well prepared for its future ore extraction process.