New Longwall Mesh Mat Recovery System for Springvale Mine
DSI has provided Springvale Mine with a Longwall Recovery Mat System that has helped its miners to safely and efficiently recover longwall equipment in preparation for relocation.
The Arnall Mining Division of DSI is Australia's largest supplier of strata management products to the underground mining industry and is also a major exporter to the Asia-Pacific region.
Springvale is a longwall mine owned 50% by Centennial Coal Company Ltd. and 50% by Samsung Company Ltd.of Korea. It is located 12 km north of Lithgow, NSW. The mine currently employs some 215 people and produces 2.4 million tons per annum. This steaming coal produced is largely contracted to the Delta Electricity owned and operated Mt. Piper and Wallerawang Power Stations. Additional coal is also supplied to the export spot market.
The DSI Mesh Mat System consisting of a specially fabricated geogrid material was installed during the last 12 m of retreat of Springvale's longwall No.407. This application of a DSI Mesh Mat assisted the Springvale miners to safely and successfully remove for relocation some 3,700 tons of longwall face equipment.